In a probate case, the court appoints a personal representative to collect the decedent’s assets, pay the debts and expenses, and then distribute the remainder of the estate to the beneficiaries, all under the supervision of the court.
If a person dies without having a will, that person is said to have died intestate. In this situation, the California Probate Code sets forth the succession of the decedent’s property to his heirs.
If a person dies having a valid will, that person is said to have died testate. The court will generally follow the terms of the will. The will sets forth a nomination of executor, a nomination for guardian of minor children (if applicable), and the distribution of assets.
A will alone will not protect your estate from probate, but a will does serve as a critical foundation to a comprehensive estate plan. When accompanied by a trust, the will is known as a “pour-over will” and will address assets not titled in the name of your trust at the time of your passing.